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Dusty Gorilla Reviews Transformers: ROTF

Posted by Dusty-Gorilla - June 27th, 2009

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Sounded like it really sucked some major ass!!!


Hello there Mr. Monotone! :D

Hey man my parents were asleep lol.

Though I do agree on too many explosions, it wasn't that bad.

I was moderately entertained because I just took it as what it was; an action movie with a lot of explosions. I thought it was an improvement from the first. At least Bay figured out what a wide shot was. I got sick of the flurry of confusing closeups during the fights in the first movie.

It's not a timeless masterpiece, but it was not a horrible film.

Of course it was a horrible film.

lol it's really not THAT bad..geez

Shut up fool.

M. Night's doing Avatar actually.


The only reason one watches a Megan Fox movie is to look at her and hope she takes her top off at one point. Not to judge her acting skills.
Sounds like it sucked balls anyway.

You go girl.

The only part that I liked was that Optimus Prime kicked ass...
that's it

Eh. I guess.

You said the thing about paying for an advertisement and I felt that too about the first Transformers. I think this movie will be like Star wars Episode III for me and I'll have to be a captive audience in an airplane with a dead battery in my laptop and no iPod and a deck of playing cards before I'll ever see it. Thanks for reinforcing it.

Haha good one.

While Ultimately the Blame falls on the Director, since he IS the Chief. He still is just an engineer looking at a BluePrint.

The Real Criminals, are the writers, who get cut huge checks ,and slip out the back door while everyone takes the heat for their nonsense.
Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman wrote Xena episodes before they began doing a series of Flop movies for Bay. It wasn't till they hit it big with the Nostalgia wagon with Transformers and starTrek.
Now with the nostalgia clearly out of the way, Transformers 2 really shows these two writers only have the talent of half of one.

They said Michael bay did a lot of changes. And they wrote Star Trek!

You call that a review?

all you were doing was telling people YOUR opinion of the movie, and what YOU thought of it.

A review is made to give people a basic outline on how good the movie will generally be.

All you said was:
"The things that I liked, and the things that I didn't like"
"Michael Bay Is Fucking Retarded"
"The Actors did this for the money"

No. you don't do that.

Saying that the Actors only do it for money doesn't properly describe how they acted.

Yes we all know Megan Fox was a dumbass in the movie, but you didn't say anything about her acting, just that she was a dumbass.

You said Michael Bay was "Fucking Retarded". That's a great way to REVIEW how he made the movie. Really helps inform people to see it or not.

Quite frankly, people don't give a crap if you've lost all faith in filmmakers anymore. I thought this was a movie review, all this is, is you giving your shout out to what you thought of this movie, in an extremely dull, boring way.

You didn't Inform anyone about ANY of the acting, you just said they wanted money.

And you missed so many parts, reviews are supposed to go over acting, CGI, Sound, Story, Movie Length, and sometimes finishing with a sentence or two of the reviewers opinion, you didn't cover ANY of these, and your opinion was the whole damn review.

this was very amateurish.

- "This movie was actually not that bad, the CGI was great, the sound affects were great, the actors displayed all portrayed their characters quite well, though unfortunately, Megan Fox was fairly dull, her performance and her character in general made her seem like a clueless oaf.

John Turturro also seemed to act a little more dull than in the Prequel, but his performance still displayed some excitement, and thrill to display with the audience. The jokes thrown back and forth were worthy of a laugh, not the funniest jokes, but definitely had some humor in them.

Unfortunately, to properly understand this movie, all you would need would be a basic background knowledge of Transformers in general to properly understand. Michael Bay spent much more time focusing on fight scenes, and explosions than he did explaining the story a little further.

In several scenes beginning the movie, On planet cybertron, the viewer displays a conversation between three decepticons, it is actually easy to understand what they are saying, but what they are talking about, and discussing does require a background knowledge.

The excitement the viewer gets to experience can all depend on how willing the viewer is to accpet it. The audience is taken on a roller coaster ride, from point A to point B, and can often be confusing to those without a background knowledge. Another fault to point out was that this movie features several new Autobots and Decepicons, and of course, you probably aren't going to hear their names, or hear them speak more than one line in the movie, and will often leave the viewer puzzled.

In some scenes, containing important lines, for example "Rampage!" which is the only chance the viewer gets to discover or learn, the Constructicons name, what makes it harder is some vital lines to help build more knowledge of the movie, is hard to hear because at the same time, you have explosions, metal smashing against each other, wall being smashed, and the noise of guns, and missiles being fired, and makes it difficult to properly hear.

Overall, this movie can be both a treat to fans of the CGI, the Transformers series, or Megan Fox, or can be a dull, annoying, or irritating, for people trying to understand, but can't, and seemed to get more and more puzzled as the movie unfolds.

I personally thought it was great, It had great effects and CGI, and luckily for me I understood it all. The jokes made me laugh, and I found myself enjoying the movie from start to finish.

- Overall Rating - 8.4 / 10"

It was basic, but that's how a review should be done!

Oh man I'm sorry. I did this pretty late at night with no script. It was mostly improv. Thank you for shitting on my head in the most polite of ways lol.

I gotta stop right here because you arent really reveiwing it more like you are just complaining about stupid things ONE its transformers my god they are Huge robots what are they gunna do tippy toe around everything so they dont blow it up? Its a WAR for the love of pete, and you cant have enough eye candy i mean cmon the better something looks the better it is to watch, also i dont understand why some of the comments (scelesticFish) i didnt think megan fox did that bad she played her part pretty good i think I agree with F-revolution this wasnt much of a review

I say this movie gets a 10/10 from me it was funny at times serious in others the story line was great there were very few holes in the story but it was open for a third movie the CGI was just downright amazing to get that many parts animated moving and textured during a transformation or even moving would be a lot of work and up close it was hard to tell that it wasnt real
The sounds: the sound effects were grade A they sounded very real almost like
real life
the acting: i think that all of them played their parts the military characters acted military when they were fighting the transformers moved and acted like real people and the twins were hilarious i see no reason for people to Drag this movie down with them because they dont like the people they got to play the part THE MSN REVIEWER DIDNT EVEN LIKE TRANSFORMERS TO BEGIN WITH
because i watched the cartoon transformer movie as well all of them and i loved them all he did was the same thing this guy did
Evil Vs good this part was done very well the way the characters acted was perfect while optimus and his autobots acted good the decepticons were downright mean
all in all i think anyone who says this movie was no good needs to wake up and smell the coffee this was a good movie

And you are the reason this movie made so much money.

This movie sucked ass-balls. The only good parts were the robot fights. I thought it was an accurate review - everyone else who wrote a novel about it should just chill right out.

Hey man!

So very true. Spot on assessment. Michael Bay should be hanged for his crimes against cinema. :3

Not just cinema, maybe humanity.

I have a great idea. Let's get Micheal Bay and blow him up. We'll figure out how to put that in some sort of movie.

Hell yeah!

Nice review

Thanks dawg.

totally agree with the whole explosion thing.

if there was any plot at all it was a bit confusing.

one of the pros though is that they perched megan fox on a chopper.

i appreciated that.

Haha yea ok.

why is there a cock in the up left corner

I've been asking the same question for years.